miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Law of Effect and Operant Conditioning

Edward Thorndike:

1. Explain Thorndike's puzzle-box experiment.
The experiment was that he put a cat in a puzzle box with a and food outside of the box. After first trying to reach through and try to get out and get the food, the cats only way out was by pressing the lever. Every time the cat came out he placed him back in and them timed him, and every time it was less and less time to get out of the box to get the food.

2. Explain Thorndike's "Law of Effect".
Law of effect: Actions bring a consequence and that determines future behavior

3. Explain Thorndike's "Law of Exercise".
Law of Exercise:  the behavioral responses that were followed by a pleasing result are most likely to occur again in response to the same stimulus.  

B.F. Skinner:

1. Explain Skinner's concept of Operant Conditioning
Skinners concept of Operating Conditioning is that reinforcement and punishment change our behavioral tendencies

2. What does  reinforcement always do?
In reinforcement the behavior increases.

3. What does a punishment alsways do?
In punishment the behavior decreases.

4. Explain the difference between "postive" and "negative" as they are used in opernat conditioning.
That in positive you give something wether good or bad, and in negative it is the opposite you take away something.

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