miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010



Why Does Lack of Sleep Affect Us Differently? Study Hints It May Be in Our Genes

The American Academy of Neurology, was the whom made the experiment, or research about how every one was the different kind lacking sleep effects. They made the study of poeple who the the varient that there is a sleeping desseas which is called narcolepsy, that it is excessive daytime sleeping. This found out and exmpirimented with the gene variant called DQB1*0602, having these doe snot mean it you will have the diserdor, but as they made there expiriment they got that 38 percent of poeple who have this varient do not have the diserdor and are concidered that they have a healthy sleep. Students were used through the expiriemnt they gathered 92 healthy students withour the varient and 37 with the varient, but without the sleeping disorder, which later they made their expiriment of tessting hours and sleeping till 10 hours and then oly through 4 hours. at the end researches could conclude that the ones with the gene varient were more sleepier than the other ones. At the end there were many things that varied with the two diffrent kinds of poeple. in my opinion i think its a good article cause it taught me things i did not knew before, and it was intresting to know about the diffrent types and how it varies. 



Starting High School One Hour Later May Reduce Teen Traffic Accidents

Senior author Barbara Phillips, MD, director of the UK Healthcare Good Samaritan Sleep Center in Lexington, Ky.
"It is surprising that high schools continue to set their start times early, which impairs learning, attendance and driving safety of the students,". In this research it was tested that if the school es delayed one hour all many things as car craches will decrease, they will get better grades, functions better, etc. In the first year Highschool strated school at 7:30 had the ones form middleschoool at 8, they thought it was too early and they had to delay the time of strat. For the next year the highschool entered at 8:30 and the middleschoolers at 9:00. Through their researsh expirminets and testing, reseaerchers could conclud that yes with a delayed time start that is a good sleeping studnets function better, and yes it does decreas the teen traffic accidents. In my personal opinion I support this researcha lot because i think we as studnets really need to have a good time sleeping so we can really functions, and at genereal all should have a good sleep to prevent traffic accidents. 



Delayed School Start Time Associated With Improvements in Adolescent Behaviors

The delay of 30 minutes improves the behavior of the students. Judith A. Owens, M.D., M.P.H., of the Hasbro Children's Hospital, Providence, and colleagues, studied 201 students in grades 9 through 12 attending an independent high school in Rhode Island. After the 3o minutes delayed studnets had to fill up a survey given, that before students had a diffeent mood like for exmaple unhappy. Afterwars their mood changed and it had a better challange for them, and they had even more energys and had a real postiive open mind towards the activities.  I think that delaying the time for studnets its kind a good idea because you get to school with a postive mind and a hapy attidude and things will work out excellent, and in the other had if you come to school angry and negative things will fail. 


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