jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Nature vs Nuture

            For over many years this topic of nature vs. nurture has been debated. As know nature is something that you bring with you from birth that is caused by your genetics, and nurture is what you form through your life and the environment you grow. Where does your intelligence come from is it nature or nurture? In my opinion I think intelligence has a great part of nature, something you come with, that its an ability to have a bigger capacity to store things in your brain, or even have the ability of learning things faster and that they actually stay in your brain, for example an ability of having photographic memory cause that’s something that I think you develop through your growth. In the other hand I cant leave behind nurture, I also think intelligence my included a small percent of nurture, because through life you learn knew things and makes your brain practice or even just makes you a disciplined person. Its hard to identify were does intelligence comes from.

            After researched of many types of debate and scientist opinions I could come to a conclusion that Scientist have been debated this topic for many years. Some scientist actually state and confirm that intelligence comes from Nature because of what some scientist tested and sated that “On the genetics side, a great deal of adoptive study has provided evidence of a degree of genetic influence to our intelligence. Using studies that involved twins separated at birth, and those separated and adopted, psychologists were able to eliminate many of the confounds that had previously caused other studies to fall apart. These studies found that adopted children tended to have more in common as far as IQ with their biological mother instead of their adoptive parent”, what we can tell about this investigation that yes intelligence may be partially genetic because cause you should can get born with their intelligent of mathematics for example. Not living behind the best example is Albert Einstein which they found a specific part of his brain was larger relating to spatial intelligence, and this made him be higher of intelligence in this designated area. This can support my idea of thinking that intelligence really does come from your genes, but eventually through time your intelligence may get higher or lower depending the type of environment you start to develop yourself since your little, cause its said that your brain captures more when you little than when your older. We have so many capacities in our brain that we don’t even use half of it. All of use have intelligence the difference some of us are born with a higher lever and keep on developing through your growth and other simply are born with a small level and just doesn’t care on getting to practice it.

In conclusion from the research I can conclude that intelligence is from nature but you have partial and short amount added by the nurture and by what you learn from your environment.

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